What is WRAC?
The Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum program celebrates the wonders of reading and writing, two skills we believe are powerfully related. Teaching a WI course means integrating reading and writing activities that work with your curricula. Taking a WI course means learning how to make reading and writing work for you.

What is a writing intensive class and why should I teach one?
A Writing Intensive course is one in which you talk with your students about reading and writing and incorporate assignments–formal and informal–that help students to improve their reading and writing skills and help students understand how to get more out of their reading and use writing to learn.

What do I have to do to get certified to teach a WI class?
To teach a WI class, you need to get certified. That means taking a seminar in which you read some scholarship about WRAC and find out what the best professors do with reading and writing in their classes across multiple disciplines. You put together a portfolio of materials, and then you pilot your first WI course.


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